In a few words: Communication through the use of slogans constitutes a way of communication imposed by advertisement. Thus the power of advertisement is great, as slogans are now the main way of interaction in all levels of society. The vindication of a different quality in communication may be considered as Anti-Advertising, contradicting the attempt to create slogans from another starting point, or by deconstructing the existing ones. It is a vindication of a form of communication for which the analysis of the complexity of human existence and social behaviour will be required, through circuitous speech. Slogans and promotional speech constantly form an accelerating environment of falsehood, which is tumbling humanity towards the direction it rose from. Analytical language, when produced as well as comprehended, forms a decelerating environment of knowing oneself and others, which exclusively has the ability to boost humans to evolve.
2008 | video, leaflets
Presented at:
>Festival [Wo+Man]2, Aνοιχτοί Ορίζοντες, Αθήνα, 2008.
In a few words:
Guilt is what I am.
Any act of acceptance, subjection and revolt takes place in relation to the guilts I am.
Guilt is the most successful mechanism of oppression and the most secure boundary.
Guilts constitute the starting point of education and the foundation stone of all societies.
Guilts evolve through space and time and are imposed in accordance to the needs for survival, the inventiveness or perversion of the leading groups, or even by coincidences.
Ενοχή είναι αυτό που είμαι.
Κάθε δράση αποδοχής, υποταγής και ανταρσίας συμβαίνει σε σχέση με τις ενοχές που είμαι.
Ενοχή είναι ο πιο επιτυχημένος μηχανισμός καταπίεσης και το πιο ασφαλές περιχαράκωμα.
Οι ενοχές αποτελούν την αφετηρία της παιδείας και τον θεμέλιο λίθο κάθε κοινωνίας.
Οι ενοχές τροποποιούνται στον χώρο και τον χρόνο και επιβάλλονται αναλόγως των αναγκών για επιβίωση, της επινοητικότητας ή της διαστροφής των ηγετικών ομάδων, ακόμα και από συμπτώσεις.
This video was produced exclusively for the FoldedIn internet project by the Personal Cinema art group.
It proposes that the violent video war games form a strange and totally unknown to us reality for the youngsters. Video games are part of the educational system, just as the Mass Media are. We just don't care.
2007 | videos, posters, installations, performances
(27 days of participation and equal projects at the Emergency Room formed by Thierry Geoffroy/Colonel)
In a few words:
Colonel means authority.
I don't give a shit for authority.
The need for authority, like the need for belief and the need for god, is the proof of human insufficiency.
I can not accept human insufficiency.
I want to be complete.
I want to be god.
(An ant is god. A deer is god. A radish is god. Sand is god. No human is god.)
Thierry is a human. This human has a great idea.
This human believes in utopia.
He believes in humanity.
Thierry made a game for humans.
He says: Humans can be gods.
Humans can save themselves.
I love this game.
I trust Thierry.
I urge to walk along with him.
In a few words:
The video is a 7 minute projection that could be considered as a short-lengh-movie presenting the development of four
parallel stories. A reader who “consumes” and tiles newspapers, a group of smokers who smoke and collect
the cigaret leftovers, the written narration of a small story that instantly becomes trash and last, a trash
collector at his natural environment. The trash collector, once in a while, replies to the question of an invisible
reporter -which question consists the title of the video- with the phrase: "I am not interested in art. I am
interested only in trash."
The installation is consisted by a TV screen placed on top of newspaper tiles and a jar with the cigarette leftovers underneath.
Presented at:
> Youth Biennial Of The European Mediterranean Countries, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina.
> Media Terra, European Tour
> Participation at the Personal Cinema project The Making Of Balkan Wars
Ποιος ανέχεται το τυχαίο; Ποιος αρκείται σ' αυτό; Ποιος κυλά με το ποτάμι γκρινιάρης κι ικανοποιημένος; Ποιος δεν τολμά να δει: το συνηθισμένο είναι παράλογο. Ποιος λέει: ε, κι εγώ τι να κάνω;
Φαντάσου: Ένας άνθρωπος του νεάντερταλ με λαχτάρα ταρακουνά μια μηλιά. Σήμερα το πρωί ένα μήλο έπεσε από το τραπέζι. Μια ώρα μετά οι εφημερίδες έγραφαν: Τρεις κοσμοναύτες ενενήντα μέρες σε τροχιά γύρω από τη γη.
Το ξέρεις: τα πάντα πέφτουν στη γη. Τώρα ξέρεις ακόμα: το διαστημόπλοιο πάει ίσια πάνω. Γι αυτό είσαι άνθρωπος.